SCSSC 2012
Less than a generation ago, scientific computing was limited to a few specialized researchers working in narrow fields. Today, researchers in a variety of fields make use of high performance computation (HPC) either as the primary focus, or as a general tool. Despite different objectives in a particular context, scientific computation has emerged as a vital element in both academia and industry.
At SCCSC 2012, we have assembled an exciting group of speakers from a variety of companies, who will discuss how they utilize computation in their respective positions in industry. The talks will cover a wide range of topics yet will remain geared towards a general science audience. This conference allows students the opportunity not only to learn how computation is being used in industry, but also to broaden their understanding of other fields in science and engineering.
Who Should Attend
SCSSC 2012 serves as a meeting ground where advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and other researchers interested in high-performance computation can interact with industry workers and see the capabilities of scientific computer simulations. Much of this event is designed to introduce students to HPC and research in general in an industrial setting, as the complement and alternative to academia. In addition, members of local industry are encouraged to attend to explore how other companies are utilizing HPC and simulations, as well as to meet students working with or interested in computational sciences and computation in science.